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Molecular formula: C6H6O3

Molecular weight: 126.11(According to 2007 International Relative Atomic Mass)

Consulting hotlineDomestic trade 05505635858 (Manager Wu) /foreign trade 05505619090 (Manager Zhang)

Product Specification and Packing Specification

The maltol produced by our company mainly has 20-mesh and 30-mesh specifications, and other specifications can also be customized according to customer requirements. The product packing specifications include 25kg package or the package required by the customers with inner layer being 2-layer PE bag and outer layer being cardboard drum, and the package of 200kg flexible container.

Product Application

Maltol is a kind of broad-spectrum fragrance synergist, which plays a role in enhancing and consolidating the fragrance and sweetening. It’s widely used in livestock and pet feed to promote food intake.